Sunday, July 19, 2009

Running Towards the Giant

As the deer pants
for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.

Psalm 42: 1,2

As I'm still working with my art program, my image today is a chalk rendition of a portrait of my daughter who is also a creative artist. Guess it runs in the family. :)

For a few hours this morning there was respite from the heat, so I spent some time clearing the area where I'm going to plant sunflower seeds tomorrow. Because of the overcast and coolness, I was almost fooled into thinking it was going to be a cooler day, but t'was not to be. The temperature peaked at about 101, and it's expected to be hot for the rest of the week due to "strong upper-level high pressure over the desert southwest."

Arrgh. I do not like hot weather, but I won't complain as it could be worse. I have friends who live in hotter places, such as Needles and Arizona. A couple of years ago, returning from a trip to Colorado, we drove through Needles in the evening and it was 90 degrees-- at night. Whew!

Who is your favorite Bible person (besides Jesus?) Do we choose our favorite(s) because we can somehow relate to them? For myself, I think that's so. I have several prime favorites. My first is David--a man after God's own heart. What I love about David is his passion for God, which is evident in the psalms that he wrote. Also, David was an ardent worshiper of God, and a warrior.
One of my favorite moments in his life, is the face-off with Goliath. Not so much that he took him down, but his confidence in God that he, David, was going to be the victor.

In 1 Samuel 17:45 David says to Goliath "you come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." Wow. Using the power of the name of God. That same power we have today in the blood and name of Jesus.

The next part that shouts volumes to me is in verse 48 where it says that David 'ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.' David ran towards Goliath. He ran towards the problem, he didn't wait for the problem to gain ground on him. Selah.

And talk about a person who did not give up! David suffered much on his way to fulfilling his God-ordained destiny as king of Israel. He spent some 13-15 years as a fugitive, living in the desert, before he actually became king. Seems like the greater the call on your life, and the impact that will be made for God, the greater the battle to achieve it.

Thank God that He is always there to cause us triumph in Christ. If we just don't give up.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pix! It has been 115 here for the last week or so dipping down to the cool mid 90's at night. Yesterday the air was on all day and couldn't cool the house down below 81. It was still 109 at 9:30pm.

    Love David!
