Saturday, July 4, 2009

Declaration of Independence

I spent a little time in the late afternoon chasing this elusive butterfly. He (or she?) had some interesting, tangerine-colored markings. The butterfly was not interested in posing correctly so I could capture an image of him in his full glory. Nah, he preferred to stay partially hidden between the leaves.

Not too much you can do in situations like this, except wait. One touch on the leaf, trying to push it aside, and the butterfly would be gone. So, this was as good as it got.

Today is Independence Day! And today, as I've done in the past, I asked the Lord "Is there some area in my life where I need to declare my independence?"
And, I did hear something that I have heard in the past..."Let go of your self-imposed limitations."

Okaaaay. I see I still need to be mindful of that area. Limitations, for me, start in my thinking. I'm actually quite creative, and I enjoy finding creative solutions for challenges. But I must need to stretch some more.

Soooo, I'm asking the Lord to show me where, and let me know when, I'm imposing limitations. And when He does, I'll be sure to share.

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